Sunday, June 10, 2007

One Life, One Love

One Life, One Love by BCS & KC

Who am I
That You would know me from the start
Set me apart
Who am I
That You would place eternity
Into my heart

You have given to me
More than this world could give
My purpose is found in You

One life, I lay at Your altar
One love, I have with You
Touch me again
Fill me as You hold
My outstretched hands

One word, You know I will follow
One heart, broken to You
Use me again
Your mercies follow me
For all my days

In Your presence
In Your power
Holy Spirit, I surrender

This is another song from City Harvest Church Singapore that touches me so much! In emerge Singapore; I know the answer why that pastor told me to be broken for the Lord.

In book Judges is about Gideon and three hundred men against Midianites.

…they blew the trumpets and broke the pitchers…

In order to let the light shine out, the pitchers must be broken. God will work through brokenness, but if you are not broken before the Lord, your light can’t shine off.

Be broken to Him. It is no longer I live, but Christ who lives in me.

1 comment:

New Fool said...

Hey, many lives out in the universe! Bless you.