Wednesday, April 11, 2007

a day in school before exam

Today is special day for me. I spent my whole day in school for photo taking. I so exhausted.

Special thanks to Anne who helps me to make up. Thanks a lot! Actually, I don’t really like to make up because I look like turned to another person. I’ll step into working life soon so I can’t avoid it. I should learn how to make up now.

After that, we have met my president of my university. During the refreshment, she talked to us. She is a nice lady. I don’t like talk to this kind of person because she definitely to forget who am I and the talk is blank.

One of the officers in UTAR is very nice; she shared a lot thing with us. I very appreciate the time spent with her. Nice~~ at the end of our talk, she thought that I’m a singer. Haha.. She is very surprised that I’m the student.

If I not make up, people will think that I’m younger. As I went for career fair hold in Mid Valley and I met my hometown’s friend there. Her friend can’t believe my age. Wow… :p happy. My conclusion is make up makes me look old.

I’ll upload my photo soon.

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